In a mysterious turn of events, notorious underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, the mastermind behind the 1993 Mumbai blasts, has reportedly been hospitalized in Karachi, Pakistan.
Source: Free Press Journal
Speculations are rife that he may have been poisoned, although official confirmation from Pakistan is yet to be received.
Dawood Ibrahim, one of India's most wanted fugitives, has been residing in Pakistan for decades, as affirmed by Indian authorities. However, Pakistan has consistently denied its presence on its soil.
Recent reports indicate that Ibrahim is under tight security within the hospital premises. His nephew, in a statement to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in January 2023, revealed details about Dawood's life in Pakistan, including a second marriage and a family residing in Karachi.
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The NIA's charge sheet also suggests that Dawood's criminal empire, known as the D-Company, continues to wield influence, controlling various illegal activities in Mumbai. The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) has further linked the D-Company to global terrorist groups, emphasizing their involvement in activities such as drug trafficking, arms trade, and counterfeiting.
As the situation unfolds, the international community watches closely, awaiting official statements regarding Dawood Ibrahim's health and the circumstances surrounding his hospitalization.
Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.
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