In a heartfelt interview, actor Nassar opened up about a touching moment that highlighted actor Vijay’s important role in his family’s life. During his conversation with Madan Gowri, Nassar shared a deeply emotional experience about his son, Noorul Hassan Faizal, who woke up from a 14-day coma and called out for Vijay instead of his parents.
Nassar explained that his son is a huge fan of Vijay and had even met him to express his admiration. The actor recalled how Faizal had been unconscious for 14 days due to an undisclosed illness and was taken to Singapore for treatment. When he finally woke up, he didn’t call out for his mother or father, but for Vijay. "He has a friend by that name, so we were happy his memory was intact. But he didn’t recognize his friend when he saw him later; he looked at him blankly," Nassar said.
Confused by this reaction, Nassar's wife, a psychologist, immediately understood that Faizal might be referring to the actor Vijay. She showed him a picture of Vijay, and Faizal’s face lit up with recognition. The family then played Vijay’s movies and songs to help jog Faizal’s memory.
When Vijay learned about the incident, he insisted on meeting Nassar’s son. He didn’t just visit once, but several times. The actor also gifted Faizal a ukulele, knowing that he played the guitar. "Vijay plays a very important role in my life and in my Faizal’s life," Nassar said, expressing his gratitude for the actor’s support during such a difficult time.
Vijay, who was last seen in the blockbuster The Greatest of All Time, is gearing up for a new project directed by H Vinoth. This might be his final film before he enters politics.
This emotional story of how Vijay played a key role in Nassar’s family life shows the deep connection they share, beyond just being a fan.