Actor Saif Ali Khan was injured during an attempted robbery at his Bandra residence in Mumbai late on Wednesday night. The intruder attacked the actor with a knife, leaving him with injuries that required immediate medical attention. Saif is now recovering after undergoing surgery at Lilavati Hospital.
The incident occurred around 2:30 am, according to sources. The thief was spotted by one of the household nurses, who raised an alarm. Hearing the commotion, Saif stepped out to assess the situation and was attacked by the intruder wielding a knife. He sustained six stab wounds, two of which were deep, with one dangerously close to his spine. Dr. Jalil Parkar from Lilavati Hospital stated that a team of doctors, including neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, are treating him. The police reported that a member of the household staff also suffered minor injuries during the attack.
A statement from Saif’s wife, actress Kareena Kapoor’s team, confirmed the burglary attempt. “There was an attempted burglary at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm and is undergoing a procedure at the hospital. The rest of the family is fine. We request the media and fans to remain patient and avoid speculation as the police investigate the matter.”
Mumbai Police have detained a few suspects, including one individual captured on CCTV near the actor’s home. Investigators believe the intruder entered with the intent to rob and acted aggressively when confronted. Zone 9 Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Dixit Gedam confirmed that the situation is under investigation, and the police are working to gather more details.
The attack has sparked widespread reactions from the film industry and political leaders. Saif’s co-star Jr. NTR expressed his shock in a post, wishing Saif a speedy recovery. BJP MLA Ram Kadam called it a tragic incident and highlighted the growing concerns about safety in Mumbai. He stated, “The attack on Saif Ali Khan during a robbery attempt is worrisome. He is receiving treatment, and I hope for his quick recovery.”
Saif attacked: "Two out of six wounds are deep," says Lilavati Hospital
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) January 16, 2025
"Those responsible won't be spared," BJP MLA Ram Kadam#ITVideo #SaifAliKhan #Mumbai | @PoojaShali @mustafashk @ramkadam
Leaders from the Shiv Sena (UBT), Congress, and NCP also condemned the attack. Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Anand Dubey criticized the lack of safety for high-profile individuals, referencing other recent incidents targeting public figures. Congress MP Varsha Gaikwad questioned the safety of common citizens, particularly in Bandra, a neighborhood considered secure. She stated, “What security can the common man expect if such an attack can happen in a well-guarded locality?”
Fans and colleagues of Saif have shared messages of support, while many continue to express concern about rising crime rates in the city. Saif, known for his iconic roles in films like Omkara, Dil Chahta Hai, and Kal Ho Naa Ho, is reportedly stable, but his injuries will require close monitoring in the coming days.
The shocking incident highlights the urgent need for increased security measures in Mumbai’s high-profile neighborhoods. As investigations continue, Saif’s team has urged the public to respect the family’s privacy and await official updates from law enforcement.