Diljit Dosanjh, the globally renowned Punjabi actor and singer, recently had a special meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. The interaction, which took place on Wednesday, marked the beginning of the New Year on a high note for the celebrated artist. Diljit, after finishing the grand finale of his much-anticipated ‘DIL-LUMINATI’ 2024 tour in his hometown of Ludhiana, visited the Prime Minister for a memorable exchange.
Taking to social media to express his excitement, Diljit said, "A fantastic start to 2025. A very memorable meeting with PM @narendramodi Ji. We talked about a lot of things, including music, of course!" The singer-actor, who continues to top international music charts, has garnered immense fame in both India and abroad. His conversation with PM Modi revolved around a wide array of topics, with music being a central theme.
A fantastic start to 2025
— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) January 1, 2025
A very memorable meeting with PM @narendramodi Ji.
We talked about a lot of things including music of course! pic.twitter.com/TKThDWnE0P
During the meeting, Prime Minister Modi praised Diljit’s success, telling him, "Your family named it Dil Jeet, so you keep winning." These words reflected the deep admiration the Prime Minister had for the multi-talented artist, whose impact transcends the music and film industries.
Diljit, who has made it his mission to spread positivity through his art, shared his personal reflections on India’s significance. He stated, "We used to read about it, ‘My India, Great,’ and when I traveled across India, I realized why people say that – truly, the greatness of India is its power." This heartfelt comment highlighted the artist's growing admiration for the country’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage.
Furthermore, Diljit spoke with deep reverence about Prime Minister Modi, saying, “I had seen your interview, sir, and now when I think of it, the position of Prime Minister is very high for us, but behind it, there’s a mother, a son, and a person. Many times, people forget that the heart is very big. When you carry your mother and Ganga Maiya with you, it fills your heart. That touch is very special."
A rare and delightful moment during the meeting occurred when Diljit began to sing a song, and PM Modi, in a joyful show of support, was seen tapping beats on the table. The two shared a light-hearted moment, reflecting the warmth of their connection.
A great interaction with Diljit Dosanjh!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 1, 2025
He’s truly multifaceted, blending talent and tradition. We connected over music, culture and more… @diljitdosanjh https://t.co/X768l08CY1
PM Modi later took to social media, posting a picture from their meeting and sharing his thoughts. "I had a great interaction with Diljit Dosanjh. He’s truly multifaceted, blending talent and tradition. We connected over music, culture, and more..." the Prime Minister wrote, underlining the depth of their conversation. This meeting further solidified the bond between two influential figures in India's cultural and political landscape.