You won’t believe how much the auto driver was paid for saving Saif Ali Khan’s life after a violent attack. The shocking amount revealed here!



In the early hours of January 16, Saif Ali Khan found himself in a terrifying situation when he was violently attacked at his Bandra apartment, in what appeared to be an attempted robbery. Injured and in urgent need of medical attention, Saif’s circumstances were dire, and what followed was a surprising act of kindness that showed the importance of quick thinking during an emergency.

With no immediate access to a car and in desperate need of transport to the hospital, Saif was helped by Bhajan Singh, a local auto-rickshaw driver. Singh did not hesitate when approached by Saif, who was accompanied by his children, including his young son, Taimur Ali Khan. The incident unfolded as Bhajan recalled, saying that when Saif entered his rickshaw, he appeared to be in considerable pain, especially with an obvious injury to his back. Bhajan stated, "I didn’t even recognize Saif Ali Khan at first; I thought I was helping just an injured person." It was only once they reached the emergency entrance of Lilavati Hospital that Bhajan realized he had been ferrying the popular actor to safety.

The scenes at the hospital gate added to the intensity of the moment. Bhajan shared that an ambulance was leaving as they arrived, but the hospital staff quickly rushed to assist once they realized that a high-profile person was inside the rickshaw. Saif had suffered severe bleeding from his back wound, making the situation all the more urgent. Singh, however, was focused entirely on getting Saif to the hospital without delay. The actor, accompanied by his son Taimur and two women who had assisted him into the rickshaw, kept asking how much longer the ride would take. Singh made sure the trip was as swift as possible, reaching the hospital in just around seven to eight minutes.

Despite the urgent circumstances, reports later indicated that Saif’s eldest son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, had played a role in making the decision to use a rickshaw for the ride. With no driver available, Ibrahim acted quickly and used a nearby rickshaw to transport his father to the hospital. This quick thinking is now being credited with potentially saving Saif's life during a time when every minute counted.

After the incident, media reports highlighted Bhajan Singh’s noble actions. He was later recognized and rewarded for his bravery. According to news outlets, he was given a reward of Rs 11,000 from an institution in acknowledgment of his quick decision-making in the face of an emergency. Singh, however, humbly declined payment at the time of the incident, stating that his only concern was to help someone in need, not money.

The story of Bhajan Singh’s selflessness serves as a reminder that in times of crisis, simple acts of kindness and readiness to help can make all the difference. It also underscores the importance of quick decision-making and the ability to act swiftly under pressure, particularly in critical situations where life is at stake.

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