Kiara Advani, who has been absent from the silver screen for over a year, is set to make her much-awaited return in S. Shankar's upcoming Telugu film Game Changer. Last seen in 2023 in Satyaprem Ki Katha, Kiara will star opposite Ram Charan, playing the role of his love interest in the political action drama.
Excitement surrounding Kiara's return skyrocketed when the duo recently stepped out to promote the film. However, despite being known as a style icon, Kiara’s fashion choice during the promotion received mixed reviews.
The actress shared a series of photographs on social media showcasing her outfit of the day (OOTD). Kiara chose an elegant ivory corset paired with a matching draped skirt, complemented by a stole with pineapple embroidery. While the outfit was undeniably classy, many netizens felt her look was ‘bland’ and ‘boring’. One Reddit user commented, "She’s always so bland," and another added, “Har post me ek jaisi dikhti hai. I can literally be her stylist!!!”
Several other trolls echoed similar opinions, calling her style ‘boring and bland’ while some even associated this criticism with her personality.
On the other hand, some fans expressed concern for Kiara’s well-being. A few internet users noticed how tired she appeared in recent photoshoots and pap sightings, with one commenting, “She looks really tired these days." Others speculated that she seemed “sleep-deprived and dehydrated."
There was also some confusion when rumors surfaced about Kiara being hospitalized. However, it was later clarified that the actress was not in the hospital but at home, following a doctor's recommendation to rest due to work exertion. This rest period kept her from attending a recent promotional event with Ram Charan.
With Game Changer set to release on January 10, fans are eager to see Kiara’s performance on-screen, and we wish her a speedy recovery.