The Delhi Police have detained Bibhav Kumar, an assistant to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, in relation to the assault claims made by former DCW chairman Swati Maliwal on the latest development. This occurs amid increasing tension within the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as a result of Kumar's allegations made by Maliwal. The dispute has been made worse by an exclusive medical-legal case (MLC) that details the severity of Maliwal's injuries.
स्वाति मालीवाल की मेडिकल रिपोर्ट आ गयी है. दिल्ली एम्स के ट्रॉमा सेंटर में उनका मेडिकल हुआ था. एमएलसी में उनकी आंख, चेहरे और पैर में चोट की पुष्टि हुई है#SwatiMaliwal #MedicalReport
— AajTak (@aajtak) May 18, 2024
The Swati Maliwal MLC report was made public and offers a thorough analysis of the wounds she is said to have received during the assault. The report states that Maliwal displayed obvious injuries, one under her right eye and one on her left thigh, which attested to the physical abuse she alleges to have endured. The dispute surrounding the incident continues, and this revelation strengthens Maliwal's charges.
Maliwal first made public the assault claims on May 13, claiming that Bibhav Kumar had slapped and kicked her in the chest and abdomen while she was visiting Kejriwal's official home. Her party dismissed these accusations as "baseless," but the Delhi Police still issued a FIR in which Kumar was named as an accused. Maliwal emphasized the seriousness of the alleged assault in her lengthy statement to the court, which supported her charges even more.
In response to the allegations, Bibhav Kumar filed a written complaint against Maliwal, accusing her of unauthorized entry, verbal abuse, and threatening behavior. He attributed political motives to Maliwal's actions and hinted at a possible conspiracy orchestrated by opposition parties. The escalating feud between Maliwal and Kumar underscores the internal strife within the AAP, with both parties engaged in a war of words amid mounting tensions.
Amidst the developing controversy, Atishi, a well-known AAP politician, cast doubt on Maliwal's reliability and said that her claims were motivated by politics. In an unrelated case, Atishi brought up Maliwal's pending corruption accusations, raising questions about her reliability and motivations. This discussion adds layers of political intrigue to an already divisive topic, further complicating the story.
A major step forward in the inquiry has been taken with the Delhi Police's arrest of Bibhav Kumar, indicating that they are taking an active approach to resolving the allegations made against him. The public is waiting for further information regarding the facts surrounding the alleged assault and the subsequent political impact inside the AAP as the legal processes progress.
#WATCH | Former PS of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, Bibhav Kumar has been detained by Delhi Police in connection with the AAP MP Swati Maliwal assault case
— ANI (@ANI) May 18, 2024
(Visuals from Civil Lines police station)