On January 22, 2025, Ayodhya marks the one-year anniversary of the historic Ram Mandir Prana Pratishtha ceremony. The ceremony, which took place on January 22, 2024, was a significant moment in India’s spiritual history as Lord Ram’s idol, Ram Lalla, was placed on his rightful seat in the Shri Ram Temple. This special occasion is being celebrated with devotion and spiritual programs across the city.
While the Prana Pratishtha ceremony’s Hindu calendar anniversary was on January 11, the celebration for the English calendar falls on January 22. To honor this event, temples across the country are conducting special prayers for Lord Ram. Devotees are also encouraged to worship Lord Ram at home and seek his blessings for peace and prosperity.
जय राम रमा रमनं समनं। भव ताप भयाकुल पाहि जनम॥
— Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra (@ShriRamTeerth) January 13, 2025
अवधेस सुरेस रमेस बिभो। सरनागत मागत पाहि प्रभो॥
प्रतिष्ठा द्वादशी महोत्सव के समापन दिवस पर प्रभु के मनोहारी दर्शन
On the concluding day of the Pratishtha Dwadashi Mahotsav, behold the enchanting darshan of Prabhu. pic.twitter.com/3hGOtWSKtV
How to Worship Lord Ram at Home on This Auspicious Day
To celebrate this sacred day, here is how you can worship Lord Ram at home:
- Morning Worship: Wake up early and recite the Ram Raksha Stotra during Brahma Muhurta after bathing. Offer Panchamrit to Lord Ram and dress his idol in new clothes.
- Recite Holy Texts: Light a ghee lamp and recite the Shri Ramcharitmanas or Sundarkand at home.
- Chant Lord Ram’s Name: Recite the Hanuman Chalisa and chant the name of Lord Ram together with your family.
- Chant Mantras: Recite Lord Ram’s Gayatri Mantra, Om Dasharathaye Vidmahe Janaki Vallabhaye Dhi Mahi Tanno Ramah Prachodayat, at least 108 times while focusing on your wish.
- Offer Prasad: Offer food to Lord Ram and share the prasad with your family and neighbors.
- Evening Worship: Light a ghee lamp in the evening and keep it burning throughout the day in front of Lord Ram’s idol.
- Charity: On this auspicious day, help the needy and, if possible, organize a feast for the poor or donate to charity.
Special Celebrations in Ayodhya
The city of Ayodhya has witnessed a surge in devotees since the Ram Mandir’s opening and the Prana Pratishtha ceremony. Recently, the Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra celebrated the Pratishtha Dwadashi Mahotsav, marking the one-year anniversary of Ram Lalla’s installation. On January 11, 2025, the day began with Agnihotra and the chanting of six lakh Shri Ram Mantras. The Maha Abhishek of Lord Ram was performed, followed by Mangal Darshan.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had performed the main rituals of the Ram Mandir opening event in 2024, and the city’s spiritual atmosphere continues to thrive as thousands of devotees gather to mark the occasion.