A chilling case of betrayal unfolded in Kerala as a 24-year-old woman, Greeshma, was convicted of poisoning her boyfriend, Sharon Raj, to death in October 2022. The Neyyattinkara sessions court delivered its verdict on Friday, finding her guilty of the heinous crime, while her uncle, Nirmmalakumaran Nair, was convicted of abetment. Greeshma’s mother, another accused in the case, was acquitted.
The Disturbing Turn of Events
Greeshma and Sharon, both students, were in a relationship since 2021. However, their story took a dark turn in March 2022 when Greeshma's family arranged her marriage to a military officer. Despite agreeing to the proposal, she continued her relationship with Sharon. Fearful that Sharon might expose their past intimacy to her future husband, Greeshma resorted to extreme measures to end their relationship permanently.
Failed Attempts to Poison
The prosecution revealed how Greeshma’s attempts to poison Sharon began long before his death. She initially mixed painkillers in his drinks and even challenged him to drink spiked juice. Despite these efforts, Sharon emerged unscathed, prompting her to switch to a more lethal plan.
On October 14, 2022, Greeshma invited Sharon to her house and served him a medicinal ayurvedic drink, concealing herbicide within it. The naturally bitter taste of the drink masked the poison, making Sharon unsuspecting. After consuming the drink, Sharon experienced severe discomfort and was hospitalized. Tragically, he succumbed to multiple organ failure on October 25, 2022.
The Investigation and Arrest
Before his death, Sharon confided in a friend, expressing his suspicions about being poisoned by Greeshma. His family, heartbroken and seeking justice, filed a police complaint leading to Greeshma’s arrest on October 31, 2022. During the investigation, she admitted to fearing that Sharon might reveal their intimate moments to her fiancé, which motivated her actions.
Greeshma, along with her mother and uncle, faced charges under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code, including murder, poisoning, and destruction of evidence. However, the court acquitted her mother due to a lack of evidence.
The Verdict
The court's judgment has brought some closure to Sharon’s grieving family, who have fought tirelessly for justice. The quantum of punishment for Greeshma will be decided on Saturday.
Lessons from a Tragic Case
This case sheds light on the dark complexities of human relationships and the devastating consequences of unresolved conflicts. Greeshma’s actions not only ended Sharon's life but shattered multiple families, leaving a trail of pain and sorrow.
It also serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing emotional conflicts in a responsible and ethical manner. Justice has been served, but the scars of this tragedy will remain etched in the hearts of those affected