Security forces in Manipur’s Churachandpur district arrested two individuals on Sunday after they were caught carrying illegal drugs in a four-wheeler. The arrests happened during a routine security check at Khuga in Matta village, where the forces were conducting random frisking.
While inspecting the vehicle, the security personnel discovered 776 grams of brown sugar, a form of heroin, and 537 Yaba tablets. Yaba is a dangerous drug made by combining methamphetamine, a potent stimulant, with caffeine. This combination makes the drug highly addictive and harmful.
The two individuals were immediately taken into custody for carrying the illegal substances. The authorities have not yet revealed their identities, but the seizure of such a large quantity of drugs has raised concerns about the illegal drug trade in the region.
In another separate operation, police arrested a member of the banned Kangleipak Communist Party-People’s War Group (KCP-PWG) from Kakching district. The arrest was made on charges of being involved in extortion activities. The individual’s arrest highlights the ongoing efforts of the security forces to crack down on both illegal drug trafficking and extremist groups in Manipur.
The recent arrests and seizures are part of the ongoing efforts by the police and security forces to combat the growing drug problem and extremism in the state. Authorities have been stepping up their operations in recent months, conducting routine checks and searches to ensure the safety and security of the region.
The police have promised to continue their efforts to combat illegal drug trafficking and ensure that those involved in such activities are brought to justice. They have also urged the public to stay alert and report any suspicious activity that could be linked to the illegal drug trade or extremist groups.