In an unprecedented turn of events, Manoranjan D, a 34-year-old engineering graduate from Bengaluru, created a stir by breaching security at the Indian Parliament and releasing gas from a canister within the highly guarded premises. This astonishing act, completely unexpected by his family, has sent shockwaves through their lives, as they struggle to reconcile his actions with his expressed desires to contribute positively to society.
Despite holding an engineering degree for over a decade, Manoranjan had chosen not to pursue a job, confounding his family with his unconventional decisions. His father expressed bewilderment at his son's behavior, emphasizing Manoranjan's aspirations to make a difference in society. Previously involved in activities such as sheep breeding and pisciculture, his storming of Parliament stands in stark contrast to his otherwise low-profile life.
Source: Hindustan Times
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Describing his son as a book enthusiast who shunned materialism, preferring to invest in literature rather than expensive clothing, his father, Devaraj Gowda, a farmer, admitted to being blindsided by the news. He disclosed that Manoranjan had avoided discussions about his future plans and had minimal financial demands, primarily seeking funds for his travels between Mysuru, Bengaluru, Delhi, and undisclosed locations.
The family's relocation from Arkalgud in Hassan to Mysuru had been in support of Manoranjan's education, culminating in his pursuit of a computer science degree from BIT, Bengaluru. His father acknowledged former PM HD Deve Gowda's assistance in securing Manoranjan's engineering seat. However, local police sources revealed Manoranjan's deep engagement in social media groups in recent years, with rumors linking him to a fan page dedicated to freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, allegedly connecting him to other suspects in the Parliament breach.
Despite these claims, Devaraj vehemently denied any radical inclinations in his son, refuting allegations of anti-national sentiments or adherence to specific ideologies. He expressed profound distress at being unaware of his son's activities until media reports surfaced about the Parliament incident, highlighting the unexpectedness of Manoranjan's actions.The peculiar case of Manoranjan D continues to baffle those acquainted with him, painting a perplexing portrait of a seemingly unassuming individual thrust into the limelight through an inexplicable and shocking act.
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