A tragic incident occurred at Tirupati on Wednesday evening during the distribution of 'darshan' tokens for Vaikunth Ekadasi, resulting in at least six deaths and several injuries. The stampede took place near Vishnu Nivasam, a popular area for pilgrims, while people gathered in large numbers to secure tokens for the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam, a significant event during the festival.
Stampede During Token Distribution
According to officials from the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), the stampede happened when pilgrims, eager to participate in the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam, rushed to the ticketing counter. The event led to chaos as people jostled to get their tokens, which are necessary for entering the temple on Vaikunth Ekadasi. Unfortunately, this resulted in several casualties and injuries, with many people trampled in the stampede.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Reacts
In response to the tragedy, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has taken immediate action. He is actively monitoring the situation and has planned to visit Tirupati to meet the families of the victims and offer support. The authorities have also promised to investigate the incident and take steps to prevent such events in the future.
What is Vaikunth Ekadasi?
Vaikunth Ekadasi is one of the most significant and auspicious days in the Hindu calendar. It falls on the 11th day of the waxing moon during the months of Margashirsha (December or January). On this day, Hindus believe that fasting and praying will help them attain moksha (liberation) and gain entry into Vaikuntha, the celestial abode of Lord Vishnu.
The festival is associated with a special event known as Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam, where devotees are allowed to enter a sanctified entrance in the Tirumala temple. It is a deeply spiritual event that attracts thousands of pilgrims each year. However, this year’s celebration was marred by the tragic incident during the token distribution.
A Spiritual Festival, Now Marked by Tragedy
While Vaikunth Ekadasi is a time for devotion and spiritual celebration, this tragic event has cast a shadow over the festivities. Devotees had gathered in large numbers, hoping to participate in the sacred event, but the stampede has turned a day of faith into one of sorrow. Authorities have vowed to ensure the safety of pilgrims in the coming days as the investigation continues.
The incident has raised concerns over crowd management, especially during such large-scale religious events. As the investigation continues, the people of Tirupati and beyond mourn the loss of lives and hope for a better, safer future for pilgrims.