Bollywood stars welcomed the New Year with a grand celebration in Jamnagar, Gujarat. Among the celebrities spotted was actress Ananya Panday, who shared a cheerful picture from the party on Instagram with the caption, “Happy shiny friends [heart emoji].” The photo also featured other well-known faces, including Janhvi Kapoor, Shikhar Pahariya, Radhika Merchant, Anant Ambani, and Veer Pahariya.
Janhvi Kapoor, in particular, stole the spotlight with her simple yet eye-catching outfit. She wore a colorful cropped sweater paired with dark blue acid-washed denim jeans. The sweater, designed by the clothing brand Christopher John Rogers, is called the Brushed Striped Cropped Sweater. It is adorned with vibrant stripes in shades of green, yellow, orange, blue, black, plum, and red. The sweater has a round neckline, full-length sleeves, and a figure-hugging fit that highlights her style.
If you’re thinking about adding Janhvi’s sweater to your wardrobe, be prepared to spend approximately ₹24,256.89. Despite its high price, the sweater is a perfect pick for anyone looking to make a bold and colorful fashion statement.
Janhvi kept her styling minimal, letting the sweater take center stage. She skipped accessories, styled her hair in loose back-swept waves, and opted for natural makeup with glowing skin and glossy pink lips. Her effortlessly chic look impressed fans and added charm to the star-studded celebrations.
The New Year’s Eve bash in Jamnagar was a glamorous event, with Bollywood celebrities coming together to celebrate in style. Janhvi Kapoor’s vibrant outfit was a highlight of the evening, proving once again that simple, colorful choices can leave a lasting impression.