The Realme 14 Pro 5G series is set to launch in India soon, and the company has started teasing the product with its eye-catching design. The new series will include two models: the Realme 14 Pro and Realme 14 Pro+, both targeting the mid-range segment, just like their predecessors. On December 19, Realme revealed the colour-changing back panel design of the Realme 14 Pro, which has generated a lot of excitement in the smartphone world. Along with this unique design, the company also shared details about the phone’s IP ratings, camera module, and more. Let’s take a closer look at what the Realme 14 Pro series will offer.
Realme 14 Pro Colour-Changing Design
Realme posted an image on the microblogging platform X (formerly Twitter), showcasing the back panel of the Realme 14 Pro. The design revealed that the rear panel changes colour when exposed to water, making the Realme 14 Pro the world’s first colour-changing smartphone. This innovative feature is a big highlight, attracting attention from the tech community.
The Realme 14 Pro has also earned P66, IP68, and IP69 certifications, confirming its durability against water and dust. In terms of design changes, the Realme 14 Pro features a circular camera module with a thick metal ring, housing three camera sensors and three LED flashlights known as MagicGlow.
Realme also hosted a media event in Copenhagen where they demonstrated the phone’s cold-sensitive colour-changing technology. This feature was developed in collaboration with Nordic industrial design studio Valeur Designers. It was revealed that the colour of the rear panel changes when the phone is exposed to temperatures below 16°C. The Pearl White pattern of the phone was also showcased, created through a complex fusion fibre process that involves 30 steps.
Realme 14 Pro Series Launch
The Realme 14 Pro series will be launched globally in January 2025, although the exact date has not yet been confirmed. The launch will likely coincide with other major smartphone releases, including the OnePlus 13 and the Samsung Galaxy S25 series.
Stay tuned for more updates as we await the official launch of the Realme 14 Pro series in early 2025.
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